- Key Project of Guangdong Province and City Advanced
- Top-ranked on Guangdong Province’s project list for cooperation and co-development with multinational enterprises during the 14th Five-Year Plan period
- Member, Guangzhou Airport-based National Logistic Hub
One of the first batch of Construction of Public Infrastructure for Both Normal and Emergency Use projects in Guangzhou
- First-Grade (Three-Star) Green Warehouse
- Hong Kong Green and Sustainability Contribution Awards 2023 Gold Seal
- Customs AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) advanoed certifcation
Situated in Huadu District of Guangzhou, Yuhu Cold Chain (Guangzhou) Trading Centre benefits from its location at the only large-scale air-rail hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. As the first cold chain trading centre in Guangdong Province with full temperature control capabilities, it aims to connect China's domestic and international markets in line with the national strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development.
With a variety of trading models, the trading centre adopts international best practices including spot and pre-sale auctions. Periodic specialised auction events and product showcases are organised on a scheduled basis. Furthermore, the trading centre houses an e-commerce hub that seeks to deliver enhanced supply chain solutions for the region through consolidation of new approaches combining elements of live streaming and financing services.